Press Release: 2024-05-07

Will MA Do the Right Thing on Housing?

In poll after poll in Massachusetts, the #1 issue on voters' minds is housing. And it's no surprise why. Escalating rents and soaring housing prices have forced people out of their communities or out of the state entirely. That's not sustainable, and we need robust policy action to address this growing housing crisis.


Over the past few months, the MA Legislature has been working on its main piece of housing policy this session: Governor Maura Healey's H.4138, the Affordable Homes Act (known as the "housing bond bill"), with the House expected to vote soon. 


Among the key provisions of the bill are a real estate transfer fee local option, which would provide cities and towns a critical tool for addressing their local housing crises, and allowing for accessory dwelling units (ADU) as of right, a way to boost the supply of affordably priced housing.


Your legislators have been hearing from a well-funded real estate lobby trying to block the transfer fee proposal.


And your legislators have been hearing from those who want to preserve the exclusionary nature of their local zoning laws.


But the question is: have they been hearing from you?


Can you write to your state legislators in support of comprehensive action to address our housing crisis?


Email Your Legislators

~Upcoming Actions & Events~

NEXT THURSDAY: Progressive Mass Lobby Day!

Join us at the State House next week for our 2024 Lobby Day on Thursday, May 16, at 10 am.


We'll be lobbying for key priorities from our Legislative Agendaespecially about affordable housing, criminal legal reform, and climate action.


We're delighted to have with us as speakers:

  • Mark Martinez from the Mass Law Reform Institute

  • Sana Fadel from Citizens for Juvenile Justice

  • Jess Nahigian from the Massachusetts Sierra Club

Whether you've lobbied before or are lobbying for the first time, we'll make sure that you are well-prepared for meetings with your state legislators.


Can you come lobby with us on the 16th? And even better, bring a few friends too?


RSVP for Our Lobby Day

5/18: Massachusetts Education Justice Convening

The Massachusetts Education Justice Alliance (MEJA) will be hosting its annual convening on Saturday, May 18, at Worcester Technical High School. RSVP today! 



To win for all of the students, families, educators, and public schools and colleges, we must continue to build collective power and sustain the movement!




RSVP for the MEJA Convening

Education Justice Convening 2024

Thursday, 5/23:  Site With Love - Transition is certain, justice is not. 

The MA Environmental Justice Legislative Table invites you to join us in a vision for justice. All too often we see public policy driven by fear and scarcity- yet as our planet is transformed by climate change, we have the opportunity to move towards justice. This webinar invites allies to connect, to learn and ultimately take action in solidarity with Environmental Justice communities both long-term and short-term for siting justice this legislative session.

RSVP for the webinar